ESG Investing & the Power of You
InvestingMe, I figure as each breath goes by, I only own my mind
Time, a most valuable asset. Whether in life or investing, it is the ultimate ally. Never has this been more true than during these past several months of our collective global gut check. Never have we collectively been afforded more time to think, define and further redefine who we are as individuals, as families, as communities, as a nation and as a planet. Time knows no boundaries. It is impartial and we ultimately all get what we get. Time is a gift, not a right. Our time is ours and our minds are free to be filled as we choose in pursuit of our larger purpose. Our life experiences both positive and negative help shape our minds and are instrumental in helping define who we are as unique individuals.
As we move forward from this pandemic an inspiring and evolved view of investing has been garnering significant attention and momentum in the marketplace. ESG, or sustainable, investing is investing with a conscience and, perhaps, a deeper purpose. Investing beyond an index as one’s personal values would support or dictate. Simply put, ESG investing considers a corporation's “score” in the broad areas of environmental, social and corporate governance. Stated another way, ESG investing involves investing in companies that excel on the bottom line while also delivering positive environmental and social outcomes akin to the notion of doing well by doing good.
I know I was born and I know that I’ll die, the in between is mine
As a comprehensive financial planner, it has always been my goal to help eliminate the piecemeal approach that so many individuals and families have taken with their personal planning. By helping clients coordinate their various planning pieces, such as their financial position, cash flows, income tax planning, retirement planning, insurance and estate planning, investments and charitable giving, we can help eliminate the traditional planning gaps and pitfalls and further insulate our clients from the risks that we all face in our daily lives. Clients today are increasingly interested in the impact that their assets can have in promoting global issues in which they believe. We are all on our own unique path and being able to align clients’ values with their investments is yet another way to be “truer” to oneself.
And the meaning it gets left behind, all the innocence lost at one time
As the father of three, I have had the privilege and pleasure of watching three unique individuals learn, grow and come of age. As much as we all love to share in our likeness, we are in fact on our own journey with perpetual decision points and experiences contributing to our personal uniqueness. One such experience occurred on August 7th, 2008. On that evening, my oldest son Liam and I saw Eddie Vedder perform "I Am Mine" in an intimate solo concert at Newark, NJ’s NJPAC. It was a night that treated the 3,300 or so fans to amazing acoustic music and insightful personal stories and experiences. It was truly a memorable evening as it was Liam’s first concert and the song has subsequently served as a bond between us. I am most grateful for that moment in time and for the life lessons instilled which were not lost upon my nine year old. What a gift!
We’re all different behind the eyes, there’s no need to hide
Go forward with confidence, go forward with a plan. Our lives are bookended very clearly and succinctly. The in-between is yours and yours alone. Make the most of your time and have a plan to share the best of you with those you love and those causes in which you believe. ESG investing is still a relatively new and evolving arena. Like anything in life, there are stronger and lesser players. During the pandemic, I have been working with a great provider and have had many poignant conversations with clients and prospects alike. Investing with a purpose is a great way to make an impact today and to leave a legacy of which to be proud. Having had time to reflect during the pandemic, is your planning properly aligned with your goals and values or is it more piecemeal? Either way, I would welcome the opportunity to walk through it with you. Your future, your in-between is worth the time.
Authored by Rob Armstrong
Songwriters: Eddie Vedder
I Am Mine lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group